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Prince Harry to mark Battle of Montecassino in Italy

One of WWII's bloodiest sieges remembered at famous abbey

03 April, 14:12
Prince Harry to mark Battle of Montecassino in Italy (see related) (ANSA) - Rome, April 3 - Prince Harry will visit Italy next month to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Montecassino, one of the bloodiest of World War II, sources said during a visit to Rome Thursday by Queen Elizabeth. An official announcement is expected shortly from Buckingham Palace.

The prince will reportedly take part in ceremonies at the famous Benedictine Abbey that was rebuilt after having been leveled by an Allied bombardment in May of 1944 that helped defeat the Germans and opened the path to Rome, but at a huge cost.

Both sides suffered tens of thousands of casualties in fighting that lasted from January to May that year. The abbey, founded by St. Benedict in 529, is about 75 miles south of Rome.