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Renzi likely to put Jobs Act to confidence vote - update 2

Renzi likely to put Jobs Act to confidence vote - update 2

Premier is 'orientated' towards this, says PD economy pointman

Rome, 13 November 2014, 10:35

ANSA Editorial




Premier Matteo Renzi is likely to put his government's controversial Jobs Act labour reform to a confidence vote in the Lower House, the economy pointman for his centre-left Democratic Party (PD) said Thursday. The PD is divided over the bill, which features changes to the rules on unfair dismissal, and the executive used a confidence vote in the Senate last month to snuff out internal dissent there. Using confidence votes also speeds up the passage of legislation through parliament, as debate is limited, so this could help Renzi achieve his goal of having the labour reform in force by the new year.
    But there is a risk as the government would collapse if it lost a confidence vote.
    "A confidence vote in the House is a concrete possibility and it's what the premier is orientated towards," Filippo Taddei told La7 television. "The debate is ongoing but what counts is the timeframe and the results". Jobs act:Taddei,fiducia possibile,è orientamento Renzi ++ Il dibattito è in corso ma contano i tempi e i risultati ROMA "La fiducia alla Camera? E' una concreta possibilità ed è l'orientamento del Presidente del Consiglio. Il dibattito è in corso ma contano i tempi e i risultati". Lo dice il responsabile per l'economia e il lavoro del Partito Democratico Filippo Taddei è intervenuto questa mattina a Omnibus parlando del Jobs act.


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