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62nd edition of Milan Furniture Fair opens

62nd edition of Milan Furniture Fair opens

Tourism engine says Santanchè, Milan's identity says Sala

ROME, 16 April 2024, 12:51

ANSA English Desk



The 62nd edition of the Milan Furniture Fair opened on Tuesday with almost 2,000 exhibitors from 35 countries and 185 brands including returns and debuts.
    This year's edition also features: a special focus on the design of kitchens and bathrooms; 25 years of the SaloneSatellite section; and a special 15 euro cheap ticket for students; and a broad cultural offering including 'Interiors by David Lynch. A Thinking Room', designed by the famed highbrow auteur.
    Business and Made in Italy Minister Adolfo Urso inaugurated the event at the Rho Pero fairgrounds saying that the EU "should change its policies to safeguard competition", while Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè said the fair was "an engine for national tourism" and Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala said the fair and its related Design Week were "part of Milan's identity", while Lombardy Governor Attilio Fontana said "Lombardy becomes a reference point for the world with this important event".
    The president of the Fondazione Fiera Milano, Enrico Pazzali, said the fair "intercepts the future and shapes it", calling the event a "formidable instrument".


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