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Italy's debt sensitive to shock, medium-term risks - EC

Italy's debt sensitive to shock, medium-term risks - EC

Gentiloni says cautious spending a must, NRRP record firepower

ROME, 19 June 2024, 13:03

ANSA English Desk



Italy's debt is sensitive to shocks and there are medium-term risks in this area, the European Commission said Wednesday.
    For Italy, it said, "overall, the debt sustainability analysis points to high risks in the medium term.
    According to the baseline 10-year projections, the debt-to-GDP ratio increases steadily to around 168% of GDP in 2034, said the Commission.
    "The debt trajectory is sensitive to macroeconomic shocks.
    "According to stochastic projections, which simulate a wide range of possible temporary shocks to macroeconomic variables, there is a high probability that the debt ratio will be higher in 2028 than in 2023." European Economic Affairs Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said in delivering the report that Italy's biggest challenge was prudence on its accounts and National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) investments, and stressed that in Italy, cautious spending is a must but not a return to austerity.
    "For Italy, the game is played on two fronts, on the one hand prudent budgetary policies, which are indispensable" with this debt and deficit, "on the other to continue with public investment", said Gentiloni in a video message sent to the presentation of the annual report of the Parliamentary Budget Office.
    "The new EU rules will help to achieve a better balance between these objectives and for Italy they are better than the existing ones," he added.
    Gentiloni went on: "We must not confuse cautious spending with austerity.
    "Caution in spending is necessary in countries with high debt and very high deficits.
    "Italy has a deficit above 7 per cent and debt above 135 per cent, so caution is a must and I think the Italian government is aware of that.
    "At the same time, Italy has an unprecedented amount of possible investment firepower' with the NRRP.
    It would be a 'paradox' to struggle to 'ground the huge resources' of the EU.
    "We need on the one hand cautious spending and on the other hand to multiply the efforts for NRRP investments".


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