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Only women apply for welding job, firm hires five

Only women apply for welding job, firm hires five

New employees between ages of 21 and 53

ROME, 14 January 2025, 14:46

ANSA English Desk



A company in the town of Tavagnacco near Treviso that advertised to recruit welders only received the application of women and hired five, local newspaper Corriere del Veneto reported on Tuesday.
    The Friuli company Pilosio, which is controlled by Euredile Ponteggi di Paese, hired the five workers between the ages of 21 and 53 for the male-dominated profession.
    The new welders told the daily newspaper they had applied because the advertised hours were good, weekends were off and the pay was higher compared to previous jobs they held, including working at a pastry shop and a bakery.
    Chiara Ascari, 24, told Corriere del Veneto she and her new colleagues work for an important department that makes formworks and suspension systems for the construction sector.
    "During the first job interview, I was assured that I would not be actually working as a welder and I replied 'what a pity", she said.
    "They seized the opportunity and, after a period of training, I am working with great satisfaction", she said of her new profession.


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