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Applause for Berlusconi at Milan Furniture Fair

Applause for Berlusconi at Milan Furniture Fair

Ex Premier spent another quiet night out of intensive care

ROME, 18 April 2023, 12:54

Redazione ANSA




Enrico Pazzali, president of Fondazione Fiera Milano, opened the 61st edition of the Mailan Furniture Fair (Salone del Mobile) on Tuesday by dedicating a round of applause to former premier Silvio Berlusconi, who is at Milan's San Raffaele hospital receiving treatment for a lung infection and chronic leukemia.
    "Let me recall a person I met precisely during the Salone del Mobile, a gentleman (who) came to visit us and became a friend and supporter of Fiera Milano," said Pazzali.
    "That gentleman was Silvio Berlusconi, to whom I wish a good recovery and to whom I would like to dedicate a round of applause." On Tuesday sources said the 86-year-old three-times former premier and leader of the centre-right Forza Italia party had spent another quiet night in hospital, his 13th since being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) on April 5.
    On Monday Professor Alberto Zangrillo, San Raffaele's ICU head and Berlusconi's personal physician, and head blood cancer physician Fabio Ciceri confirmed that the billionaire businessman had been moved out of intensive care to an ordinary ward.
    The move was made possible by a good "response to treatment" according to a statement.


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