Premier Giorgia Meloni on Sunday
posted on her social media accounts the passage of an email
allegedly written by Cassation Court State Attorney Marco
Patarnello in which the prosecutor said Meloni was "much more
dangerous" in her actions because she did not have pending
judicial investigations.
The passage published by the premier of the email reportedly
penned by Patarnello, a member of left-wing magistrates faction
Magistratura Democratica (Democratic Magistrature, MD), said
"Meloni has no pending judicial investigations and thus does not
act for personal interest but for a political vision and this
makes her much stronger, and also much more dangerous in her
"This is a member of Magistratura democratica", wrote Meloni,
posting the passage on social media after it was published by
Rome daily Il Tempo under the headline "Meloni today is a
stronger danger than (late premier Silvio) Berlusconi.
We must remedy".