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Onda contrada wins Siena Palio

Onda contrada wins Siena Palio

Race finally takes place after two-day delay due to rain

ROME, 05 July 2024, 12:14

ANSA English Desk



The Onda (Wave) contrada won the July Siena Palio on Thursday, when the epic horse race was finally held after two days of delays due to heavy rain.
    Jockey Carlo Sanna rode Tabacco, the most experienced horse at the starting line, to victory, giving Onda its 42nd triumph and its first since August 2017.
    It was Sanna's third victory in his 16th Palio.
    The Palio, meaning "banner", dating back to the 13th century, is one of Italy's most colourful tourist attractions although many newcomers to the event are shocked at how violent it can be and how much deep-rooted intraurban enmity it arouses Siena's world-famous race, which formed the backdrop to the opening sequence of the 2007 James Bond film Quantum of Solace, takes place each year on July 2 and August 16, although some years have an extra one at the beginning of September.


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