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Tanzania, Ambassador Coppola's high-level meetings

Tanzania, Ambassador Coppola's high-level meetings

With Speaker of Parliament Ackson and Minister of Culture

30 August 2024, 20:09

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Ambassador to Tanzania, Giuseppe Coppola, met today in the capital Dodoma with the Speaker of the National Assembly of the United Republic of Tanzania, Tulia Ackson, for a courtesy visit, also in view of her participation in the XXII Conference of the Presidents of the Lower Houses of the G7 member countries (in Verona, from 5 to 7 September 2024).
    The focus of the conversation was the priority attention paid by the Italian G7 Presidency to the African continent and the opportunities offered by parliamentary diplomacy between Italy and Tanzania. Ackson said she was honoured to be able to take part in the Verona meeting, also in her capacity as president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and to speak in the session dedicated to Africa and the Mediterranean.
    During his mission to Dodoma, Ambassador Coppola also met the Tanzanian Deputy Minister for Culture, Art and Sport, Hamis Mwinjuma, with whom he discussed possible initiatives to strengthen bilateral relations in these areas. The diplomat also visited the new national situation room for Emergency Operation and Communication Centre (Eocc), inaugurated on 14 June.
    This operations room was set up by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (Undrr) with the scientific support of the Cima Foundation (International Centre for Environmental Monitoring, which devised the myDewetra Web-Gis platform also used by the Italian Civil Protection) and the financial support of the Italian Cooperation, as part of a network of interconnected operations rooms throughout the African continent.
    Mr. Coppola took the opportunity to visit the Cetawico winery, an Italian excellence in wine production in the Dodoma plateau, some important projects in the nutritional field with interventions in the agricultural and health sectors carried out by the Italian NGOs Lvia and Cuamm, and the 'Village of Hope' in Dodoma, founded and run since 2002 by Italian missionaries to support orphaned HIV-positive children.


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