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Paolo Fresu on tour in the USA with the Italian Embassy

Paolo Fresu on tour in the USA with the Italian Embassy

From the DC Jazz Festival to Miami and Boston, with pianist Uri Caine

31 August 2024, 00:30

ANSA English Desk



The new American tour of Italian trumpeter Paolo Fresu, in duo with American pianist Uri Caine, kicks off Saturday in Washington, with a performance at the most important jazz festival in the US capital - the DC Jazz Fest. A decades-long musical partnership, celebrated by critics and always appreciated by the public, that the Italian Embassy in the United States will bring, in addition to Washington, to the Steinway Piano Gallery in Miami on 3 September and to Boston, on 4 September, to the Berklee Red Room.
    It is a tour organised by the Italian Embassy, and realised in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institutes of Washington and Miami and the Italian Consulate General in Boston, to celebrate the strong and intense ties between American and Italian jazz, which especially in recent years has made a significant contribution to the growth and development of new languages, with Italian-American artists playing a fundamental role in the history of the genre.
    The encounter between Fresu and Caine is considered one of the most interesting collaborations of recent years: Fresu's lyrical trumpet, immediately recognisable for its unmistakable dreamy timbre, perfectly matches Uri Caine's multifaceted approach on the piano, which moves with ease between American tradition, mainstream jazz, blues and avant-garde, and even classical music. The upcoming American concerts of the Fresu-Caine duo will be a further opportunity to celebrate the strong ties that exist between Italy and the United States in the musical sphere, thanks to the unifying power of jazz, the American musical genre par excellence.


Not to be missed


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