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Italy supports and celebrates young Kenyan entrepreneurs

Italy supports and celebrates young Kenyan entrepreneurs

Ambassador Natali at the E4Impact graduation ceremony

05 September 2024, 14:02

ANSA English Desk



The graduation ceremony of the fourth group of entrepreneurs who participated in the acceleration programme of the E4Impact Kenya foundation was held in Nairobi. This edition of the programme, launched in 2018 by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in collaboration with E4Impact and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), saw the participation of more than 30 Kenyan entrepreneurs, who were able to improve their business thanks to the training initiatives offered.
    The ceremony, chaired by the Italian Ambassador to Kenya, Roberto Natali, and the Deputy Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises, Susan Mang'eni, and also attended by AICS Nairobi office holder Giovanni Grandi and the CEO of the E4Impact Foundation, Mario Molteni, was followed by a series of panel discussions.
    These discussion sessions, which involved representatives of the Italian and Kenyan private sectors and international organisations, highlighted the importance of creating new markets and strengthening trade relations between the two countries. Also thanks to funding from AICS, the work of E4Impact continues to make a significant contribution to sustainable development in Kenya, offering new opportunities for future generations of entrepreneurs.
    Collaboration with Kenya to strengthen business and job creation is one of the pillars of the partnership between Italy and Kenya, Ambassador Natali stressed, adding that it is through entrepreneurship and innovation that we can contribute to poverty reduction and long-term prosperity, also in view of the young average age of the population that will soon enter the job market.


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