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The 19th edition of 'Milano Unica' in Shanghai

The 19th edition of 'Milano Unica' in Shanghai

Hosted by 45 Italian textile and accessories companies

ROMA, 05 September 2024, 12:53

ANSA English Desk



The Shanghai trade fair, Intertextile Apparel Fabrics, welcomed 45 of the best Italian companies in high-end textiles and accessories, with stories of excellence, tradition and craftsmanship, who presented their collections for Autumn-Winter 2025/2026, to the Chinese market, which maintains third place in exports, after France and Spain.
    The over 800 square metre exhibition area was the stage for the local and international market, which is increasingly oriented towards Italian manufacturing excellence, technological evolution and sustainable product contents.
    The organisation of the event by Ice Agenzia, and the support of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, represents an asset for the internationalisation of Made in Italy and for the popularisation of the brand: Milano Unica.
    "Once again," commented Augusto Di Giacinto, Director of Ice Agenzia Shanghai, "the return of Milano Unica to Shanghai in the 2024 edition represents an important appointment for the Italian textile sector at a time when we are finally beginning to see some promising signs of a gradual recovery in Chinese consumption. Retail sales in the first quarter recorded a 4.7% increase, followed by a 3.7% increase in April and May. The Chinese consumer, in this delicate phase of the market, to spend wants innovation, quality, research and storytelling, all characteristics that the best Italian companies in high-end textiles and accessories are able to offer by presenting their collections for autumn-winter 2025/2026 in Shanghai".


Not to be missed


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