The presentation that Professor Antonello Canzano of the University 'G: d'Annunzio' Chieti-Pescara and the University Roma Tre gave today in Santiago, at the Constitutional Tribunal of Chile, should be seen in the context of a common fight against organised crime.
The activity, promoted by the Italian Embassy, is part of the close bilateral cooperation in security matters that our country is pursuing with Chile.
After a protocol meeting between Ambassador Valeria Biagiotti and Professor Canzano with the President, Minister Daniela Marzi Muñoz, which was also attended by Ministers José Ignacio Vásquez, María Pía Silva and Alejandra Precht, the Plenary and the officials and functionaries of the Tribunal attended the presentation by the Italian professor, which focused on the evolution of organised crime in Italy, the strategies of adaptation of mafias to social changes and the development of the regulatory framework introduced in Italy to deal with this threat.
"This framework is not the result of a single intervention," said the professor, "but of a gradual regulatory evolution over 30 years, continuously adapted according to its effectiveness.
The presentation was followed by a fruitful comparative dialogue in which ministers Miguel Ángel Fernández, Nancy Yánez, Héctor Mery and Marcela Prado also participated.
Extensive attention was paid to the so-called 'Italian model' of combating organised crime, an integral part of which is the special detention regime provided for in Article 41bis of the Italian Penitentiary Order, aimed at neutralising the possibility that perpetrators of the most serious crimes, especially those linked to organised crime precisely, may conduct illegal activities from prison. "Although the measures applied are extremely strict, the Italian Constitutional Court has set clear limits to ensure that the fundamental rights of prisoners are not violated," the academic stressed.
Professor Canzano's presentation follows another activity in the same collaborative context: the visit of magistrate Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Director of the European programme Paccto 2.0, who made Italy's experience in the fight against mafias available to the Chilean authorities.