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The Embassy in Astana celebrates Italian Sports Day

The Embassy in Astana celebrates Italian Sports Day

During the 5th World Nomad Games, Betty Vuk wins gold

ROMA, 11 September 2024, 16:12

ANSA English Desk



The Day of Italian Sport in the World was celebrated in Astana, with an event organised by the Italian Embassy together with the Italian company Technogym, world leader in the wellness sector and official supplier to the Olympics.
    The initiative, which was also attended by all the competing Italian athletes and the presidents of the two federations involved, was part of the broader context of the 5th edition of the World Nomad Games, a global event that brought 2,700 athletes from 87 countries, including Italy, to Kazakhstan, competing in 13 sports derived from ancient nomadic traditions.
    "Sports diplomacy to reaffirm, in times of crisis and conflict, the values of peace and solidarity among peoples," stressed Ambassador Marco Alberti, "but also to promote an industry that produces 1.2% of the national GDP. Hence the strategic alliance with a 'world champion' such as Technogym, a global leader in its sector and the perfect synthesis of innovation, manufacturing quality and design. To reiterate the importance of the public-private partnership as a fundamental driver to support the diplomacy of growth launched by Foreign Minister Tajani'.
    Valued during the event was also the aspect of healthy eating, considered not only a priority for the purposes of sporting-competitive performance, but also functional to the concept of wellness understood as a synthesis of physical activity, healthy eating, mental health, environmental sustainability, as well as, for our Country System, a factor of integrated promotion of Italy in the world.
    The media visibility of the event was significant, favoured by the participation of the athletes and some well-known influencers, but, above all, by the news of the winning of the first gold medal by an Italian athlete at the Nomad Games. In fact, wrestler Betty Vuk won first place in the Kazakh Kuresi discipline, one of the most important competitions among the Central Asian sports games.
    "We are very happy with this historic success and congratulate the athlete, the coach and the entire Federation," said Ambassador Alberti, "a great gift to our country and the best way to celebrate Italian Sport Day in Kazakhstan.


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