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Iran and Ukraine at the IAA Board of Governors in Vienna

Iran and Ukraine at the IAA Board of Governors in Vienna

Lepre: 'Rome's strong commitment to security and non-proliferation'

12 September 2024, 12:07

ANSA English Desk



The session of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is underway this week in Vienna, in preparation for the 68th General Conference (16-20 September). There are numerous sensitive issues in the nuclear sphere on which the Board is called upon to express its opinion: from the evolution of the situation in Iran to the safety of nuclear power plants in Ukraine (first and foremost Zaporizhzhia) and the North Korean nuclear programme. Also of great relevance, in the current context of tension and humanitarian crisis, is the discussion on the Middle East.
    Also in the spotlight are the IEA's research, development, training and assistance activities for the benefit of and in cooperation with member states in the field of nuclear technologies and applications, including initiatives in support of food security and sustainable agriculture, and developments in the field of fusion energy, with reference also to the World Fusion Energy Group, which will be launched in Rome in November, with a high-level inaugural event co-organised by the Italian government together with the IEA.
    Ambassador Debora Lepre, Permanent Representative to the International Organisations in Vienna, reiterated in her various speeches Italy's strong commitment to supporting the IEA's activities, its crucial role in security, non-proliferation and the promotion of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.


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