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Ambassador Crudele's lecture at the Australian Defence College

Ambassador Crudele's lecture at the Australian Defence College

Diplomacy and security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region

ROMA, 13 September 2024, 11:59

ANSA English Desk



Ambassador Paolo Crudele gave a lecture at the Australian Defence College in Canberra on the role of international diplomacy and the security environment in the Indo-Pacific region. One hundred officers from the armed forces of Australia and the entire region, already involved in training and refresher courses provided by the College, attended the lecture.
    During the conversation," reads a note issued by the embassy, "the ambassador illustrated the recent campaign of the Italian armed forces involved in the military exercise Pitch Black 2024 (12 July-2 August 2024, which involved military assets from twenty countries) and presented the forthcoming arrival of the Navy training ship Amerigo Vespucci, which will dock in Darwin from 4 to 7 October next together with the Italian Village.
    "It was an extraordinary experience to promote Italian initiatives in this region of the world and to interact with an audience so well prepared and aware of the challenges that await the Indo-Pacific in the coming years," the ambassador commented.


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