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Italian cinema stars at the Haifa International Film Festival

Italian cinema stars at the Haifa International Film Festival

10 January 2025, 16:36

ANSA English Desk



Italian cinema is the protagonist at the 40th edition of the Haifa International Film Festival, a film festival for film enthusiasts and insiders open from 31 December to 11 February. There are 12 Italian films on the bill presented to Israeli and international audiences. The Italian participation was promoted by the Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv and the Italian Cultural Institutes in Tel Aviv and Haifa.
    Present at the screenings were Chargé d'Affaires Massimo Baldassarre and the director of the Institute of Culture Cristina Travanini. "This is a fundamental opportunity," commented the Embassy, "after the postponement due to the difficult months experienced by Haifa due to the conflict, the return of great Italian cinema represents a breath of fresh air that allows us to reaffirm the role of Italian cinema in Israel, traditionally much appreciated and in demand by audiences and investors. "We have managed to unite the most recent and quality works together with timeless films of great value to offer a glimpse of the incredible present and past heritage of Italian cinematography in order to project our cinema into the future. A balance that, pending the results and awards, is already particularly positive with the Italian films that have sold out with audiences and the admiration of critics," said Baldassarre.
    There are three films in competition in the Festival. Vermiglio, by Maura Delpero, Silver Lion at Venice and in the running for the Oscars 2025. Then, Confidenza by Daniele Luchetti and Iddu-L'ultimo Padrino by Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza. Great success for the out-of-competition film Parthenope by Paolo Sorrentino. Particularly significant was the screening of the Italian-Israeli film Lolita in Tehran by Eran Riklis. Also highly appreciated was the retrospective devoted to the Taviani brothers with five great classics.


Not to be missed


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