Ex-premier Matteo Renzi, the leader
of the centrist Italia Viva (IV) party, and 10 other people were
acquitted by a Florence judge on Thursday over alleged financial
irregularities regarding Open, a foundation created to fund his
political activities.
Former reform minister Maria Elena Boschi, former sports
minister Luca Lotti, former Open president Alberto Bianchi and
the businessman Marco Carrai were among the other people to be
"I am almost 50 years old.
The last five I have lived like I had
the plague because of the unbelievable Open investigation,"
Renzi said via X.
"It was an absolute scandal for everyone who had read the case
documents, but, despite this, I was politically slaughtered by
many, starting with (Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing)
Brothers of Italy party and the 5-Star Movement.
"After years of suffering today the news came: acquitted.
"I have been acquitted, all my friends have been acquitted.
"Today many people should apologise, Meloni and (journalist
Marco) Travaglio first of all.
They won't. Never mind".