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Ex-PPI returns to field with Delrio, Prodi and Ruffini

Ex-PPI returns to field with Delrio, Prodi and Ruffini

Democratic Community kicks off in Milan Jan 18, in or out PD

ROME, 30 December 2024, 13:23

ANSA English Desk



The Catholic Democrats of the centre left, the former Italian People's Party (PPI), said Monday they are back in the field with an initiative organized by Democratic Party (PD) Senator Graziano Delrio on January 18 in Milan, in which some "noble fathers" will speak, such as ex leaders Romano Prodi and Pierluigi Castagnetti, as well as intellectuals of the same area such as Ernesto Maria Ruffini, before a wide audience of local administrators, professors and associations.
    The name of the revived group is ready: Comunità Democratica or Democratic Community.
    The goal, Delrio explained to ANSA, is "to make people understand that the political culture of the Catholic Democrats can give a lot to the country, as in other historical turning points. We ask for greater acceptance and space, in the PD or even outside the PD".
    Prodi, 85, led the PPI in its brief existence after the Bribesville-sparked fall of the Italian political establishment toppled the long-dominant Christian Democrats.
    He went on to lead two previous iterations of the PD, twice defeating Silvio Berlusconi.


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