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Cooperation needed on AI as on nuclear says Calviño

Cooperation needed on AI as on nuclear says Calviño

'Revolution must lead to more prosperous, equitable societies'

ROME, 08 November 2023, 18:06

Redazione ANSA




"We cannot guarantee that artificial intelligence (AI) goes in the right direction by using our national mechanisms and rules alone, because this is a global challenge and I hope all countries are aligned to ensure that the outcome leads to better societies and more resilient economies," said Spanish Vice-Premier and Minister of Economy and Digitisation, Nadia Calviño, opening the International Summit on AI organised by Forum Europe and Euronews in Brussels.
    The Spanish economist acknowledged that it is a "very challenging" task given that the "technological race" is taking place "within the private sector, between large jurisdictions and the world's superpowers" and that there are different views on the "right balance between security and privacy" to be achieved.
    Calviño therefore welcomed the ongoing national, European, G7 and UN initiatives and meetings, such as the AI Security Summit at Bletchley Park, which brought together representatives from the US and China, among others.
    "We must continue to propose and support initiatives that ensure that all major world powers in the field of AI cooperate to have better governance at the global level," said the Spanish vice-premier, drawing a parallel between the AI challenge and the nuclear challenge.
    "The process of digital transformation is unstoppable, but the future is not set in stone," she continued.
    "It is therefore our task to make the right decisions and create the right regulatory and governance framework" to ensure that "the technological revolution, the new industrial and digital economy that are underway lead to a more prosperous but also a more equitable society, without prejudice and ensuring the inclusion of all citizens across the country," continued Calviño.
    "This is our great challenge," she concluded


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