Christmas vacation departures,
particularly to the mountains and ski resorts, and the return
for the holidays to their home countries of workers from
northeastern Europe and commercial vehicles will affect, in the
coming hours, the traffic along the Autostrade Alto Adriatico
network, according to forecasts just released by the company.
These circumstances will significantly increase traffic in
border areas as early as today. The peak, however, is expected
tomorrow, especially in the early afternoon and evening, with
heavy traffic along the Udine/Trieste route of the A4.
Calmer days will follow - according to forecasts - also thanks
to the stop of heavy vehicle traffic, scheduled for Sunday 24,
Monday 25, Tuesday 26, and Sunday 31, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Light traffic is estimated along the Upper Adriatic Motorways
next week, with no trucks circulating.
The first returns to northern Italy through Autostrade Alto
Adriatico's gateway will coincide with the start of the sales:
the dates to mark on the calendar for those who will be on the
road again are Friday, January 5, when there could be queues at
the San Donà di Piave toll booth, due to the presence of
shopping centers, and particularly on Saturday, January 6, with
heavy traffic still along the A4, but toward Venice. Workers are
also expected to return on that weekend, given the reopening of
the schools attended by their children.