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Found 36 results

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Crucial that EC start immediately says Tajani

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 15 - It is crucial that the new European Commission should start immediately, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajanai said Friday saying that Socialists who were against European Conservative...

Sections - 15.11.2024, 16:31

Strasbourg showdown exposed EU-Hungary strains once more

Croatian ECR-MEP Stephen Nikola Bartulica defended Orbán, saying he had become a "political target" in the European Parliament because he dared to defend Christianity and advocate a "God-fearing" Europe.

Sections - 11.10.2024, 12:27

Fitto executive VP for cohesion, reforms - von der Leyen

    "The European Parliament has 14 vice presidents, two are from ECR...

Sections - 17.09.2024, 11:40

Fitto executive VP for cohesion, reforms - von der Leyen

    "The European Parliament has 14 vice presidents, two are from ECR...

Sections - 17.09.2024, 09:12

'No red lines on Fitto' say EU Socialist sources

    Meloni was irked that the Conservative ECR group FdI belongs to and which she chairs was left out of the negotiations for the EU top jobs.

Sections - 12.09.2024, 08:34

Negotiations over Fitto ongoing say Socialists

    Meloni was irked that the Conservative ECR group FdI belongs to and which she chairs was left out of the negotiations for the EU top jobs.

Sections - 11.09.2024, 13:18

Greens against Fitto becoming EC Vice President

    Meloni was irked that the Conservative ECR group FdI belongs to and which she chairs was left out of the negotiations for the EU top jobs.

Sections - 09.09.2024, 15:34

Relations with EC not deteriorating says Meloni in Beijing

    MEPs from Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party voted against a second-term for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen after the Conservative...

Sections - 30.07.2024, 10:34

Govt won't be hit by parties' EU differences -Tajani

    The Commission president's re-election was also backed by the Socialist S&D group, which Italy's centre-left Democratic Party (PD) belongs to, the liberal Renew Europe group and the Greens, but not by Meloni's Conservative...

Sections - 22.07.2024, 09:58

League hits back at Tajani over 'irrelevance' comment

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini's League party hit back hard on Saturday at fellow Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who said the right-wing group risked being "irrelevant" in Europe after voting against European Comm...

Sections - 20.07.2024, 16:03

Ursula von der Leyen re-elected as European Commission president

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 19 - The German conservative Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday was re-elected by Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.

Sections - 19.07.2024, 10:32

Meloni's FdI voted against von der Leyen's re-election

    It had been uncertain until the vote which way the FdI MEPs would go, although one of them, Nicola Procaccini, had said the Conservative ECR group FdI belongs to and which Meloni chairs would give the national delegations within it the freedom to choose how to vote.

Sections - 18.07.2024, 15:03

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