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Found 158 results

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New finds at San Casciano, gold and snakes from the mud

    In short, it was not only health that was on the minds of those who frequented this very special place, where even today the gaze is lost between the blue of the sky, the greens...

LifeStyle - 03.12.2024, 11:44

Greens say disappointed at EC deal, to vote agst Fitto

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 20 - The European Greens...

Sections - 20.11.2024, 17:34

EU Parliament approves Luxembourg's Hansen for Agriculture

However, his nomination was supported by the European People's Party (EPP), the Socialists & Democrats, the Renew Europe liberals, the Greens, and the Conservatives of the ECR.

Sections - 18.11.2024, 14:23

“New ways” and tougher action: an update on migration in the EU and its neighbourhood

    EU lawmaker and co-leader of the Greens, Bas Eickhout, said ahead of the summit that "we must not bow down to far-right fear mongering and populist propaganda on migration".

Sections - 24.10.2024, 11:26

EP KOs debate bid on Albania-Italy deal

    The Strasbourg Parliament rejected with 164 votes in favour, 319 against and 1 abstention the request, presented by the Greens...

Sections - 21.10.2024, 15:50

Strasbourg showdown exposed EU-Hungary strains once more

EPP, S&D, Liberals, Greens speak out against Orbán Representatives of almost all political parties in the European Parliament were extremely critical of the Hungarian PM, following von der Leyen's lead.

Sections - 11.10.2024, 12:27

'Salis attacked peaceful demonstrators' says Orban

    Orban also said Greens...

Sections - 09.10.2024, 13:43

'Salis attacked peaceful demonstrators' says Orban

    Orban also said Greens...

Sections - 09.10.2024, 12:46

Europe’s next chapter: Von der Leyen’s Commission team unveiled for new term

"The pro-EU forces must unite: We must not leave room for populists of the right and left." The Greens also said they would "not give Raffaele Fitto an easy ride" in the European Parliament.

Sections - 20.09.2024, 11:59

Renew liberals say they 'deplore' Fitto nomination

    The Greens also said they would "not give Fitto an easy time" in the European Parliament.

Sections - 17.09.2024, 11:39

Negotiations over Fitto ongoing say Socialists

    However, the Greens group, which was also left out of those negotiations but still voted in favour of von der Leyen's re-election, has said it is against Fitto getting an executive vice president post.

Sections - 11.09.2024, 13:18

Greens against Fitto becoming EC Vice President

    On the other hand, the Greens, which were also left out of those negotiations, voted in favour of von der Leyen's re-election.

Sections - 09.09.2024, 15:34

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