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EU moves towards new 'Vision for Agriculture' on February 19

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 17 - European Commission Vice-President for Cohesion, Raffaele Fitto, will present the new 'EU Vision for Agriculture and Food' on February 19.

Sections - 17.12.2024, 15:53

Brussels launches the European Committee for Agri-Food

    The committee will also provide "advice" to the European Commission in preparing the future Vision for Agriculture and Food, which will be presented within the first 100 days of the mandate by Vice-President for Cohesion, Raffaele...

Sections - 17.12.2024, 15:46

Mission accomplished with Fitto, Italy's role recognized - premier

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 17 - Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday told the Lower House that the appointment to the European Commission of Italy's Raffaele...

Sections - 17.12.2024, 11:07

Mission accomplished with Fitto, Italy's role recognized- PM

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 17 - Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday told the Lower House that the appointment to the European Commission of Italy's Raffaele...

Sections - 17.12.2024, 11:04

PD, M5S bicker over building an alternative to Meloni

    But M5S Vice President and former Turin mayor Chiara Appendino suggested the appeal lacked credibility, accusing the PD of "betraying" the progressive cause on several fronts, such as voting in favour of Raffaele...

Sections - 14.12.2024, 15:21

Meloni keeps South portfolio after Foti replaces Fitto

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday entrusted new Minister Tommaso Foti with the portfolios relating to European affairs, territorial cohesion, and the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) that had been held by new European Comm...

Sections - 03.12.2024, 13:46

Foti sworn in as European affairs minister

    Foti, 64, hitherto Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) House whip, will replace Raffaele...

Sections - 02.12.2024, 12:30

Fitto resigns after 'two intense, thrilling years'

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 30 - Raffaele...

Sections - 30.11.2024, 16:50

Budget, EU discussed at Meloni-Mattarella meeting

    The themes discussed at the meeting included, among other issues, the budget law, and the imminent departure of the hitherto minister for European affairs Raffaele...

Sections - 28.11.2024, 14:38

Crucial challenges for EU, now show unity says Fitto

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 27 - European Commission Vice President with the cohesion brief Raffaele...

Sections - 27.11.2024, 12:37

EP committees approve Fitto, Ribera EC appointments

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 21 - The coordinators of the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development late on Wednesday greenlighted the appointment to the European Commission of Italy's Raffaele...

Sections - 21.11.2024, 08:46

Greens say disappointed at EC deal, to vote agst Fitto

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 20 - The European Greens caucus said Wednesday they were disappointed at a deal freeing up Ursula von der Letyen's new European Commission and would thus vote against Italian executive vice president Raffaele...

Sections - 20.11.2024, 17:34

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