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Sport the victim in Winter Olympics body probe - Malagò

    Former Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026 CEO Vincenzo Novari is among three people under investigation in a probe into alleged bribery and perverting the free market.

Sections - 21.05.2024, 13:47

Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026 offices searched

    Former Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026 CEO Vincenzo...

Sections - 21.05.2024, 10:47

Milan-Cortina Olympic law coming soon - Spadafora

    "The Olympic law is urgent". Vincenzo...

Sections - 10.12.2019, 13:14

Milan-Cortina Olympic law is coming-govt

    "The Olympic law is urgent". Vincenzo...

Sections - 10.12.2019, 13:14

Novari CEO of 2026 Winter Olympics cmmt

(ANSA) - Rome, November 6 - Vincenzo Novari has been appointed CEO of the organising committee for the 2026 Milan-Cortina Winter Olympics, Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora announced on Wednesday after a meeting in Rome.

Sections - 06.11.2019, 15:03

Novari named CEO of 2026 Winter Olympics Committee

(ANSA) - Rome, November 6 - Vincenzo Novari has been appointed CEO of the organising committee for the 2026 Milan-Cortina Winter Olympics, Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora announced on Wednesday after a meeting in Rome.

Sections - 06.11.2019, 15:03

Milan-Cortina: 'Other names' for CEO says Fontana

    The short list of Alberto Baldan, Tom Mockridge and Vincenzo Novari was published by several newspapers on Tuesday.

Sections - 08.10.2019, 12:39

Milan-Cortina: 'Other names' for CEO

    The short list of Alberto Baldan, Tom Mockridge and Vincenzo Novari was published by several newspapers on Tuesday.

Sections - 08.10.2019, 12:39

Wind and 3 Italia merge

    Vincenzo Novari, CEO of 3 Italia, will take on the role of special adviser to CK Hutchinson.

Sections - 07.11.2016, 12:10

Wind and 3 Italia merge with Ibarra as CEO

    Vincenzo Novari, CEO of 3 Italia, will take on the role of special adviser to CK Hutchinson.

Sections - 07.11.2016, 12:10

Wind and 3 Italia merge with Ibarra as CEO

    Vincenzo Novari, CEO of 3 Italia, will take on the role of special adviser to CK Hutchinson.

Sections - 07.11.2016, 11:43

Wind and 3 Italia merge

    Vincenzo Novari, CEO of 3 Italia, will take on the role of special adviser to CK Hutchinson.

Sections - 07.11.2016, 11:43

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