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Agrigento gears up to become Italy's culture capital in 2025

Agrigento gears up to become Italy's culture capital in 2025

Events to kick off on January 18 with Mattarella

ROME, 31 December 2024, 16:32

ANSA English Desk



The Sicilian city of Agrigento is preparing to become Italy's culture capital in 2025.
    The official program will be presented on January 14 in Rome at an event to be attended by Culture Minister Alessandro Giuli.
    On Monday, key collaborations were announced with Turin's Egyptian Museum and the Vatican Museums while preparations are ongoing ahead of January 18, when President Sergio Mattarella will officially open initiatives for Agrigento's year as the Italian capital of culture.
    Initiatives will include exhibits and cultural initiatives that will turn Agrigento into a cultural "workshop", contributing to transform it into a "more interesting city after 2025", said the director of Fondazione Agrigento 2025, Roberto Albergoni.
    Agrigento, which was one of the leading cities of ancient Greece's Magna Graecia and is home to the stunning 'Valley of the Temples' archaeological site, in 2023 beat off competition for the role from Aosta, Assisi, Asti, Bagnoregio, Monte Sant'Angelo, Orvieto, Pescina, Roccasecca and Spoleto.
    Italy's first capital of culture was Mantua in 2016.
    It was followed by Pistoia (2017), Palermo (2018), Parma, whose stint for 2020 was extended to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Procida (2022), the northern cities of Bergamo and Brescia (2023) and Pesaro in 2024.


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