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Pope condemns child abuse, warns against 'complicity'

Pope condemns child abuse, warns against 'complicity'

Those who hurt children will answer to God says Francis

ROME, 08 January 2025, 10:07

ANSA English Desk

Il Papa, non dimentichiamo di pregare per la pace - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Il Papa, non dimentichiamo di pregare per la pace - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned people who abuse children and those who are in any way complicit with mistreatment of minors.
    "We ask for the grace to rediscover the important place that every child occupies in the heart of God, so as not to be complicit in the abuses that are perpetrated against them, but to condemn them firmly," Francis said during his weekly general audience.
    "Children hold a privileged place in God's heart and anyone who harms them will have to answer for it before Him.
    "Let's think about how many children die due to hunger, catastrophes, diseases and wars.
    "Following the example of Jesus, Christians should never allow children to be abused, hurt or abandoned.
    "We must prevent and strongly condemn any abuse they may suffer".
    Pope Francis set up the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors in December 2014 following widespread reports of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and cover-ups.


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