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Italy in Chile, a successful year in the name of unity

Italy in Chile, a successful year in the name of unity

Messaggio di fine anno dell’ambasciatrice Valeria Biagiotti

31 December 2024, 22:06

ANSA English Desk



In an end-of-year message addressed to "compatriots and friends of Italy", Italian Ambassador to Chile Valeria Biagiotti takes stock of a 2024 "intense, full of commitments, challenges and goals achieved" for the diplomatic mission in the South American country.
    "With enthusiasm and emotion we welcomed in Valparaíso the Amerigo Vespucci school ship, which arrived in Chile for the first time in its history, and we celebrated the Day of the Roots in Viña del Mar, we had the visit of the undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Maria Tripodi, and the director general for Italians abroad and Migration Policies, Luigi Vignali," wrote the diplomat, recalling that "we organised events to promote Italian products, traditions and culture, from the first edition of the Italian Pedalata to the celebrations of the 9th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, celebrated in the Italian quarter of Providence," she continued. 'I had the opportunity to get to know other Italian communities in the country in Concepción, La Serena and Copiapó, as well as returning to Capitán Pastene. And, in parallel, the daily work has continued: that of the consular chancellery team, dedicated to assisting compatriots and providing services for users, that of promoting political and commercial relations, in collaboration with ICE and CAMIT, and that of cultural promotion, carried out thanks to the constant commitment of the Italian Cultural Institute,' the ambassador lists.
    "In everything we do," she says, "what inspires us is loyalty to the Republic, a sense of institutions, service to citizens, and the goal of increasingly strengthening relations between Italy and Chile at all levels. "This will continue to be our goal in the coming year. Even in the face of the difficulties we face on a daily basis, unity is the resource we can and must resort to in order to overcome the challenges that, as individuals and as a society, we find on our path. A unity that is not a gift, but something we have to build with effort. And so, the best wish I can make to you and to your loved ones is that this sense of unity will accompany us as we close this year with serenity and, above all, as we face 2025, which is already just around the corner,' the ambassador concludes.


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