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Puccini's operas make their debut at the Odessa Theatre

Puccini's operas make their debut at the Odessa Theatre

Event promoted by the Embassy and the Cultural Institute

ROMA, 31 December 2024, 13:09

ANSA English Desk



The first performance of Giacomo Puccini's operas 'Suor Angelica' and 'Gianni Schicchi' was held at the Odessa National Opera Theatre. The exceptional event, promoted by the Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Ukraine with the collaboration of the Honorary Consulate in Odessa, saw the debut of the two operas in the city on the Black Sea, precisely on the centenary of Maestro Puccini's death.
    In a theatre full of spectators, representatives of local civic, religious and cultural institutions, as well as the Italian community, attended the performance. The evening saw the direct involvement of three prestigious Italian artists of international stature: the sets and costumes were designed by Dr. Chiara Demelio, a professor of scenographic art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts; the director of 'Suor Angelica' is maestro Carlo Antonio De Lucia; while the baritone Domenico Balzani sang the main role of the character of Gianni Schicchi. The support of Enrico Copede', consultant of the Odessa Opera, was also invaluable.
    "We are celebrating Italian opera in the beautiful city of Odessa, a cosmopolitan city of great historical, artistic and linguistic richness, also steeped in Italian culture. Since 2023, both this city and Italian opera have been inscribed on the Unesco list of World Heritage Sites," Ambassador Carlo Formosa recalled in his message. "Italy also supports Ukraine from a cultural perspective: two extraordinary operas by Maestro Puccini enrich the programming of the Theatre on the Black Sea from today, testifying how art is a powerful form of resistance to violence and barbarity," he added.


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