The story of Pier Paolo Pasolini, a figure deeply intertwined with the history and culture of Friuli and Slovenia during World War II and postwar years, serves as the inspiration for the project "4P - Cross-border paths discovering Pier Paolo Pasolini." This unique initiative, co-financed by the EU through the Interreg Italy-Slovenia program and led by the Municipality of Pordenone, aims to preserve and promote the rich heritage of Pasolini.
heritage is not just local but of international significance.
The kick-off meeting in the Destra Tagliamento municipality
marked the beginning of a project with significant economic
The 4P project, born out of a study on correspondence
and artifacts found in Idrija (Slovenia), where Pasolini lived
for a year, aims to enhance Pasolini's heritage. By focusing on
the places where the intellectual lived, the project seeks to
foster the development of the cross-border area and strengthen
the skills of cultural and creative enterprises, thereby
promoting sustainable tourism linked to Pasolini's cultural
The project includes Integrated cross-border cultural and
tourism products such as an immersive space in Casarsa, an
exhibition space at the Idrija museum, a map of Pasolinian
routes in the Pordenone area and Idrija, usable by tourists with
an app; a high school on Pasolinian themes, workshops, and ideas
competitions dedicated to young people. Moreover, it envisages
the development of joint strategies and action plans between
Italy and Slovenia to promote, preserve, and enhance Pasolini's
work, including for tourism purposes.
In addition to Pordenone, the project involves 17 other
municipalities, the Pier Paolo Pasolini Study Center of Casarsa
della Delizia, the Venetian Cluster, the Municipality of Idrija,
the Idrija and Cerkno Development Agency, and the University of
Nova Gorica. The funding is about 1 million, and almost all is
from European regional development funds.