Finance police on Tuesday searched the Milan offices of the Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026, the body tasked with organizing and promoting the next Winter Olympics and Paralympics, in relation to a criminal probe, sources said.
Officers also searched the premises of a company based in
Orvieto, which had been assigned a contract to develop digital
services for the Games, and an office of Deloitte, which took
over the contract, the sources said.
Former Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026 CEO Vincenzo Novari is
among three people under investigation in a probe into alleged
bribery and perverting the free market, the sources said.
The other two are a former executive of the foundation and the
former legal representative of the Orvieto firm, Quibyt
(formerly Vetrya).
None of the suspects are currently involved in the Fondazione
Milano-Cortina 2026.