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Salvini solving infrastructural deficiencies- transport min.

Salvini solving infrastructural deficiencies- transport min.

'9,000 trains a day, rail networks overused'

ROME, 11 January 2025, 16:42

ANSA English Desk



The transport ministry on Saturday afternoon issued a note saying "decades of disinterest, lack of investments, ideological NOs" had caused the railway' network's "grave infrastructural deficiencies" that explained Milan's train chaos.
    The note said that, over the past two years, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini had "multiplied efforts to change the trend, in particular regarding the railway network, despite red tape and the multiple strikes proclaimed by left-wing unions", adding that passenger trains had risen by 2% in 2024 compared to the previous year with "half a billion citizens" travelling on high-speed, Intercity and regional trains.
    The transport ministry said railway networks were "hyper-used" with 9,000 trains a day on Italian rail agency Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI)'s network alone, noting that the Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) railway company has announced a plan worth 100 billion euros including many maintenance projects.
    "Minister Salvini fully intends to improve rail circulation, making Italy more modern and connected: in 2025, 875 new trains will be in circulation", the note also said.


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