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Feuding groups strike deal to back new EU top team

Feuding groups strike deal to back new EU top team

After a week-long standoff

21 novembre 2024, 12:06

Redazione ANSA



(ANSA-AFP) - BRUSSELS, NOV 21 - The European Parliament's main political groups struck a deal Wednesday to greenlight the EU's new executive team -- including a controversial hard-right commissioner -- after a week-long standoff threatened to derail the process.

Leaders of the centre-right European People's Party, the centre-left Socialists and Democrats and centrist Renew agreed to back Ursula von der Leyen's new European Commission, clearing the way for a parliament confirmation vote next week and a December start.

Senior lawmakers gave the go-ahead following late-night talks in Brussels to the seven commission members whose approval was still pending -- including all six of its vice-presidents, the political groups involved confirmed. Ensuring a swift handover at the EU's helm is seen as critical as the bloc grapples with complex challenges -- from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to the economic threat from China and now the imminent return of Donald Trump to the White House. But the process hit a stalemate last week as lawmakers squabbled over several nominees, amid a broader tussle over the balance of power in parliament. (ANSA-AFP).



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