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Renzi likely to put Jobs Act to confidence vote - update 2

Lo dice il responsabile per l'economia e il lavoro del Partito Democratico Filippo Taddei è intervenuto questa mattina a Omnibus parlando del Jobs act.

Sections - 13.11.2014, 09:35

Bologna to revoke Mussolini's 1943 honorary citizenship

    The Bologna chapter of the Partito Democratico (PD) political party has requested the citizenship of Mussolini be revoked, with mayor Virginio Merola supporting the proposal.

Sections - 21.03.2014, 19:23

Bologna revokes Mussolini citizenship

    The Bologna chapter of the Partito Democratico (PD) political party has requested the citizenship of Mussolini be revoked, with mayor Virginio Merola supporting the proposal.

Sections - 21.03.2014, 16:09

Italian president calls for shorter migrant detentions

"An in-depth evaluation of the residency time-frame of the CIE center is both useful and opportune", Napolitano said in a letter that was made public by a member of Premier Enrico Letta's center-left Partito...

Sections - 07.02.2014, 17:27

Napolitano wants shorter migrant spells

"An in-depth evaluation of the residency time-frame of the CIE center is both useful and opportune", Napolitano said in a letter that was made public by a member of Premier Enrico Letta's center-left Partito...

Sections - 07.02.2014, 17:27

5-Star Movement MP probed for alleged sexist insults

(ANSA) - Rome, January 31 - Rome prosecutors have placed Massimo De Rosa, a MP with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, under investigation for allegedly making sexist insults to female colleagues from the Partito...

Sections - 31.01.2014, 17:04

M5S MP probed over sexist insults

(ANSA) - Rome, January 31 - Rome prosecutors have placed Massimo De Rosa, a MP with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, under investigation for allegedly making sexist insults to female colleagues from the Partito...

Sections - 31.01.2014, 17:04

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